Niccolò di Buonaccorso (active in Siena by 1372, died 1388)
The Virgin and Child Enthroned
c. 1380s
Italy, Siena
25.5 x 18.5 cm (29.6 x 22.4 x 2.7 cm, framed); egg tempera and gilding on poplar, the reverse painted in imitation of speckled stone (porphyry?).
This intimately scaled panel painting is a rare example of the work of Niccolò di Buonaccorso, one of the most talented miniaturist painters in late fourteenth-century Siena, and among the most talented followers of the Lorenzetti brothers. The panel depicts an enthroned Virgin and Child flanked by two angels and two saints.
J. Trübner, 'Zwei Unbekannte Sienesische Primitive in Berlin', Der Cicerone, XIX, 1927, p. 271.
'Les Ventes', La Revue de l'Art , LXX, no. 372, July 1936, p. 128.